MotorMouth is a fun community of bargain lovers helping each other save money, earn great rewards, and get the best deal on fuel.
- See the cheapest price near you on a map
- Find out if now is the best time to buy. Fill up or top up!
- View market trends and forecasts in your favourite locations
- Save your favourite locations and sites
- Contribute fuel prices to earn credits and be rewarded with credit rewards. Start saving!
- Track your usage and Credit history
This project was carried out whilst employed by Orange Digital.
My role consisted primarily, but not limited to:
- Being the main point of contact for all things mobile app development (iOS and Android)
- Translating business constraints and requirements into app features
- Integrating the existing MotorMouth API to the mobile app
Technologies used
- Appcelerator Titanium SDK
- Native Android and Objective-C (to enable integration between Titanium <-> native libraries and third party plugins)
- SQLite
- Firebase